DESIGN.VE at Palazzo Morosini Gatterburg_ Venice - alcarol
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DESIGN.VE at Palazzo Morosini Gatterburg_ Venice


Curated by Luca Berta, Francesca Giubilei and Alice Stori Liechtenstein
PALAZZO MOROSINI, Campo Santo Stefano, San Marco 2803
May 23rd – June 17th
Open 10 – 18 every day, closed Tuesday

Designers: Andrea Forti and Eleonora Dal Farra for Alcarol, breadedEscalope, Stella Cadente, Studio Campana, Vlasta Kubušová and Miroslav Král for Crafting Plastics, Sebastian Cox, Maarten de Ceulaer, Foekje Fleur, Martino Gamper, Dov Ganchrow, Marco Iannicelli, Johannes Knoops, Fernando Laposse, Sam Linders, ll’atelier, Lock Furniture, Alberto Meda for Tubes, Daisuke Motogi, Lucas Muñoz, Luca Nichetto, Daniele Papuli for Dilmos, Jorge Penadés, Federico Peri for Nilufar, Barbara Schweizer, Birgit Severin, Studio Furthermore, Studio Oink, Ginevra Taccola, Tellurico, Johan Viladrich.

The curatorial theme of the 2018 edition of DESIGN.VE is “Design After Darwin. Adapted to Adaptability”. The theme aims to showcase design’s ability to be receptive to alternative uses as the function multiplies and stratifies, contrary to a notion of any singular predetermined use. In a society where functions continuously evolve, design becomes an active component in the transformation of everyday life, capable of simultaneously reinventing the pre-existing imaginings of the past and interacting with the unpredictable paths of the future.
Within this are few concepts through which to interpret and comprehend the works, each proposing alternative approaches to design and establishing diverse forms of interaction between object and user:

alcarol use Transfiguration: Objects that are designed to satisfy a specific function, but that incorporate materials and or forms illustrating an investment in an aesthetic transfiguration and therefore elevating the object to a piece of consistently adaptable design based on its visual beauty.